Refund policy

Return Policy
You have 3 days from the date of receiving your order to request a return if the item is faulty.

What qualifies as faulty?

  • Items damaged before delivery.
  • Items with missing parts.

Conditions for Returns:
To be eligible for a return:

  1. The item must be in the same condition as received—unused, with tags, and in its original packaging.
  2. A valid receipt or proof of purchase must be provided.
  3. Include an image of the damage and an explanation of the issue when submitting your return request.

To start a return, email us at Once your request is approved, we will provide detailed instructions on how to return the item.

Returns sent without prior approval will not be accepted.

Damages and Issues
Please inspect your order immediately upon delivery. If you receive a defective, damaged, or incorrect item, contact us at right away so we can resolve the issue promptly.

We do not offer exchanges at this time.

Refund Policy
Once we receive and inspect your return, you will be notified of the approval status of your refund. If approved, the refund will be processed to your original payment method within 14 business days.

Important Notes:

  • Banks may require additional time to process and post the refund to your account.
  • If you have not received your refund after 15 business days from our approval, please contact us at

For any questions or assistance, feel free to reach out to us at